Entries in Award (2)


2017 Is Going To Be The Year! at WICF

We are pleased to announce that our music video "2017 is Going to Be The Year" is an official selection of the Women in Comedy Festival! Come watch it Saturday, April 22nd at 2pm at the Brattle Cinema in Harvard Square. Get  Tickets here



CRS&DT Producer Wins CCTV Producer of the Year

Cambridge Community TV presented lead CRS&DT producer Pete X. Septoff with its "Producer of the Year" award at the corporation's annual meeting on April 25, 2012. Mr. Septoff was given the award in recognition of his many contributions to the channel, including: "The Central Square Detective Agency" Series and "Dating Tips for the Modern Woman". Mr. Septoff reports he is proud and humbled to be recognized by this prestigious local TV network, even if it is in a town full of hipster yeggs.