DEFINITIVE, UPDATED Ranking of Quentin Tarantino Movies

People of the Internet: I just saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. It's pretty ok for the most part, the setting and cinematography are great, of course, and it really makes you long for the days without traffic (i suggest a drive through Northern Maine and New Brunswick.) Brad Pitt is just about perfect and DiCaprio is fine. There are some great scenes especially on the TV Western sets. However, it's way too long, too many ideas are repeated and scenes take twice as long as they need to. Also, as always my appreciation of the film is lessened because it's shot by someone with the sensibility of a 12 year old psychopathic foot fetishist. The Bruce Lee scene is worse than even I thought it would be, and the off-putting over the top violence played for laughs that began with the Gimp still isn't funny. Also, this is the second Tarantino movie in a row I've seen in a theater where half the crowd literally laughed and cheered while women got their face beat in, which seems...problematic? Also, everyone was laughing at the buffoonery of the "Bruce Lee" character, which could've made more sense if the character was not supposed to be Bruce F'n Lee. Kentucky Fried Movie did that 10 times better.
Anyway: Here is my DEFINITIVE, UPDATED list of Quentin Tarantino movies ranked:
- Reservoir Dogs (Is Keitel/Roth the only believable human relationship in his catalog?)
- Jackie Brown (Soundtrack and cast are his best)
- Pulp Fiction (While I liked it in the theater, it launched a million bad movies and probably doesn't hold up. The gimp scene is indefensible. but Sam very defensible)
- Inglorious Basterds (First 20 minutes are magnificent, but the Jew revenge fantasy...ugh)
- Once Upon a Time in the West (Would rather the whole movie be about shooting the TV Western, that was fun and interesting with earned pathos and a great character arc.)
- Django Unchained (slavery revenge fantasy that is also 1 hr too long. The Don Johnson/ Jonah Hill kkk scene is funny.)
- The Hateful Eight (No one left to tell QT no, apparently. Undistilled sadism, rips off The Great Silence while removing political context. Bruce Dern wasted)
- Kill Bills (feels like one long pointlessly sadistic QT wet dream)